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Irene Lamprou

Yoga instructor - dance - body awareness

She began with classical ballet and continued it until the age of 18 when she entered the School of Physical Education and Sports Science in the University of Athens.


She worked in some of the biggest gyms in Athens since 2003, teaching aerobics, dance, spinning, ta e bo, pilates, all of them being dynamic programmes in which she is certified. She travelled to New York for hip hop lessons and she often went to Paris for training in the Juste-Debout School, one of the biggest professional street dance schools all over the world. She has worked as a choreographer in dance and theatre performances as well.


For the last ten years, she has been teaching yoga to adults and kids after having been instructed by Alessandro Ortona.


In 2006 she won the first place, having been chosen by the choreographer of Madonna, Eddie Morales, in a free style dance competition organized by NIKE in Athens. After that, she represented Greece in the European competition in the Netherlands as a NIKE woman, where, with Sofia Boutela among the judges, she was one of the finalists.


She is a coordinator of seminars on the E.RAIN method, which she herself has inspired and combines movement, dance, theatre, music, voice and yoga. Moreover, she has worked on alternative-energy therapies: Reiki (3rd degree), Aura Soma, Reconnection, Crystal Therapy, Theta Healing.

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